AUGUST 1, 1987

Source: Q4

http://www.q4music.com/q4musicstore/ (abbreviated link text)

Yes - Big Generator

By Robert Sandall

Even in their serpentine heyday Yes often seemed to mix up being inventive with being too clever by half, and on the strength of this frantic display of techno-flash antics and studio trickery -- capped as always by Jon Anderson's choirboy-on-acid vocals -- they are much altered since then. Newcomer Trevor Rabin's guitar gives the album a nasty metallic taste, but that and Trevor Horn's presence at the controls aside, this is vintage Yes: few good tunes, and a million competing riffs which you wouldn't play even if you knew how to. And a lyric sheet of pure gobbledegook which wouldn't even get an English GCSE pass.

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