
Source: Treason: Reviews


Yes 'Notes From The Edge' Website Review (U.S.A.)

Yes members Alan White and Billy Sherwood were busy this summer, not only recording "Open Your Eyes", but also contributing to the debut Album from Treason. Treason is Brian Michalski on Lead Vocals, Ted Stockwell on Keyboards, Karl Haug on Guitars & Mandolins, Peter Stern on Drums and Jim Dixon on Bass Guitar. Alan White guests on drums on "Bus Stop Door" and Billy Sherwood guests on bass on "Mantra" & "Devil's Den".

The album was produced by Ted Stockwell and Brian Michalski, mixed by Billy Sherwood at "The Office", and mastered by Joe Gastwirt at OceanView Digital Mastering. Mixing completed just before OPEN YOUR EYES was put into overdrive.

The history of Yes & Treason began when Alan White and Ted Stockwell met through the auspices of Mike Tiano. Mike organized a computers, technology and music conference put together at Microsoft just before the release of TALK. Ted Stockwell is the Director of Audio Technologies for the Microsoft Network, and after the conference Ted & Alan became fast friends, both having great interests in computers & music, enjoying discussions on past lives, living as legal aliens, having birthdays one day apart and both being members of the commonwealth.

The results of combining the talents of Yes with Treason are stunning not only are the bands great friends, together they take you on a journey, bringing the attention to detail that the music demands from the instrumental opener, through several acoustic tracks, and down to the full energy, aggressive works. The collaboration jump starts a new band to the level of journeyman experience, while keeping the raw energy of a young band giving rise to a debut album that is sure to please Yes fans and the aggressive prog rock aficionados both.

Add the debut album from Treason to complete your 1997 Yes catalog, including OPEN YOUR EYES and KEYS TO ASCENSION II.

The album's done, the live show is happening and Treason has started its own promotion. Comments that we've received after our shows and via email have been "Treason is HUGE" Kelly Wright of KMTT, "incredibly tight" Seattle promoter Dave Harris, "lots' of energy".

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