OCTOBER 2, 1997

Source: SPLAT


Yes! -- It's Yes

By Mike Gee

Avid readers of this column (desperadoes) will, of course, realise that we have a fondness for late '60s/early '70s art rock/prog. Yeah, okay, so you can't understand why, but thousands upon millions can -- we have the numbers! Thus the news that one of the classic 1970s line-up of definitive progsters Yes singer Jon Anderson, guitarist Steve Howe, bassist Chris Squire and drummer Alan White -- has reformed and are back in the studio should be greeted with enthusiasm and boundless joy. It is the first time Anderson, Squire and White have recorded an original studio project with Howe since 1980 . The album will simply be called "Yes" -- an apparent conscious effort to indicate a new beginning; the band's debut was also called "Yes". The progish amongst you will have noticed that there is no keyboardist listed in that line up -- no Wakeman, Kaye, Moraz -- and that my well be because of the notion Yes have for "Yes". And, yes, this could get confusing. According to the band's US publicist, Yes has tossed around the idea of getting together to make a rock-based, surf-style album for a few years and now just felt right. He said that the album would definitely sound like Yes but "you won't find any 21-minute suites on this album. It will consist mainly of pop/rock oriented songs." You can judge for yourselves when the first single, "Open Your Eyes", hits the stores on September 29 (US).

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