OCTOBER 4, 1999

Source: Yesomania


YES: October 4, 1999

By Robert Drózd 

"The Ladder" was released in Europe on the 20th September. 2 days later - in Japan and on the 28th in the USA. In Poland it's still unavailable :-(

Yes are touring very intensly, promoting their new album. The September tour of Latin America is now behind us; between mid-October and December they will play in the States. Performances in the UK are scheduled for 2 weeks in February. The continent of Europe is still waiting.

It may be interesting to look at the setlists from first concerts. Here are the setlists of the first and the latest show in Latin America.

6 IX 99 - Rio De Janeiro
Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra 
Yours Is No Disgrace 
New Language 
Nine Voices 
Perpetual Change 
Lightning Strikes 
Home World 
It Will Be A Good Day 
Owner Of A Lonely Heart 
If Only You Knew 
To Feel Alive 
All Good People 
Long Distance Runaround
24 IX 99 - Mexico City
Firebird Suite 
Yours Is No Disgrace 
Time And A Word (excerpt) 
Lightning Strikes 
Nous Somes Du Solei 
And You And I 
Home World 
It Will Be A Good Day 
Perpetual Change 
Alan White Solo 
Owner Of A Lonely Heart 
I've Seen All Good People 
Close To The Edge 
As we can see, at the beginning, most of the time was devoted to tracks from "The Ladder", nothing strange, since the new album was mostly unknown at the time. Afterwards, many classics were played. In-between some of the songs, Yes played excerpts from "Surival" and "Sweet Dreams". One of the shows, in Santiago (Chile) was cancelled due to the lack of interest.

"The Ladder" comes in several editions: basic (number EAGLT 088), enhanced with multimedia tracks (EAGCD 088) and vinyl (double LP). The Japanese edition adds a bonus CD which contains "I've Seen All Good People" and "And You and I" recorded live in 1997. 

"Yes - The Union Tour Live" video was released (for the moment, only in Japan).

Oscar Caraballo released a record called "Yesterday is Tomorrow" which contains keyboard covers of the following Yes songs: Soon, Heart of the Sunrise, Time and a Word, All Good People, Survival, Onward, Turn of the Century, And You and I, The Ancient, Starship Trooper. However, for orthodox fans those synthetiser melodies may feel somewhat insipid. Further info and samples of the tracks are available from the Ethereal Harmony site. 

Igor Khoroshev released his first album - "Piano Works". It contains only piano music. Igor and Jon are working together on a new album, entitled "True You True Me", scheduled for release at the end of 1999.

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