MAY 13, 2002

Source: The Mac Observer


Jon Anderson Teams With Apple To Track Progress Of His New Album

by Dave Hamilton

Apple has teamed up with progressive-rock star Jon Anderson (of "Yes") to track the progress of his upcoming album. Shown in stages on Apple's Web site, Jon will be exploring and explaining all the details of album production, from writing the songs to recording them to releasing them, all captured in text and video for everyone to see. From Apple:

We've just launched a brand new project on Apple's Creative Professional website with legendary recording artist, Jon Anderson, of super-group, Yes. Jon is working on a new solo album due for release in the October/November timeframe of this year.

Between now than then, Jon will share with us everything involved with putting this project together and bringing it to fruition. We’ll be providing a detailed, behind-the-scenes look at how Jon uses the equipment, how the recording is actually performed, how production is accomplished, and much more, culminating in the release of the album. And each month we’ll hear snippets of Jon’s new songs, from their very raw stages, through to polished, professional recordings.

You can find more details at Apple's Creative Professional Web site.

The Mac Observer Spin: This is exciting news for any progressive-rock fan/Mac-user, for sure! As far as we can tell, this is the first time a major recording artist has agreed to do something like this, and it's already shaping up to be something special. Go check out the video of Jon's in-studio performance of "Summerlight" -- a track from the upcoming album -- in very early form.

As an aside, the Web site indicates that Rick Wakeman will be joining Yes' upcoming summer tour, which is another wonderful piece of news, as well. Mr. Wakeman was the band's original keyboardist.

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