DECEMBER 12, 1999

Source: Yesomania


YES: December 12, 1999

By Robert Drózd 

On the 2nd of November, the new Yes album was at last released in Poland (bootleg version was available since middle October). This fact needs no comment. Across Europe "The Ladder" has been on sale since September... 

Yesworld has published tour dates for Europe. In February and March the band will visit UK, Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria. Poland is not mentioned there, but we can still hope because, according to Tiz Hay - "Further shows may be added" 

"The Ladder" is doing poorly on the charts. In the first week it jumped to the TOP 40 in Britain, Germany and Japan and earned only the 99th place in the USA. After two weeks it dropped off the charts... 

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